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Haben Girma: Transforming Constraints to Creative Opportunity
"As the first deafblind graduate from Harvard Law School, Haben Girma aims to help eradicate what she calls "ableism" in society, the assumption that disabled people are inferior. "We are not inferior. But society often sends this message," she says. Now a distinguished human rights lawyer advocating for disability justice, she is an internationally recognized beacon of empowerment and inclusivity... posted on Oct 17 2023, 1,179 reads


Greater Good Resources for Peace & Conflict
"Here at the Greater Good Science Center, the war between Israel and Hamas is provoking a range of emotions: sadness, anger, fear, and more. Were reading the news every day and wishing that there were more we could do to help.As an educational nonprofit, the best we can do, perhaps, is to remind ourselves and our readers that peace is always possible, the vast majority of people resist killing, ev... posted on Oct 16 2023, 2,107 reads


Peace Pilgrim's Last Interview
How far would you go to "live" on a daily basis something you believed in? Would you go over 25,000 miles? Would you spend over twenty-five years on the journey? And what would you need to be able to show for it in order to consider your effort a success? Read this remarkable interview with the woman who zig-zagged across the United States more than six times on foot as a way to embody peace and i... posted on Oct 15 2023, 17,695 reads


The Irrepressible Matriarchs of the North
Sharon Blackie's latest book, "Hagitude: Reimagining the Second Half of Life," braids together myth, psychology and memoir. Within itm Blackie makes a passionate case for menopause as the threshold to a vital and rich phase of life, and she deftly explores the what flourishing at this stage when many assume decline, can look like. Surfacing little-known, yet potent elder women in European myth and... posted on Oct 14 2023, 1,898 reads


The Blessing of Aging
This delightful video features several women and men who are facing the realities of aging with humor and vitality. They talk about the advantages that aging has brought to their lives, including the loss of inhibitions, learning new things, and focusing on what they enjoy. They are full of life, curiosity and passion. As one gentleman states, "Getting old is out. Getting older is better."... posted on Oct 13 2023, 4,090 reads


FOLI: There is No Movement Without Rhythm
"Life has a rhythm, it's constantly moving.
The word for rhythm ( used by the Malinke tribes ) is FOLI. It is a word that encompasses so much more than drumming, dancing or sound. It's found in every part of daily life. In this film you not only hear and feel rhythm but you see it. It's an extraordinary blend of image and sound that feeds the senses and reminds us all how essential it is." ... posted on Oct 12 2023, 3,024 reads


6 Compensations for Sleeplessness
"1. The Sky. Trust me when I tell you that the most stunning part of a sunrise comes way before those predictable smears of oranges and reds. In the nights east, watch the blackness for the outline of a cloud to brighten. Thats the signal for what occurs next, a lightening so gentle you might barely notice it until you look up and see that the sky has already paled, is now almost translucent. When... posted on Oct 11 2023, 2,559 reads


Meeting Gojira: A Conversation with Craig Nagasawa
"There's this idea that, as an artist, your job is to put your ego into your painting and push it at everybody else, that a good painting is 'full of you' somehow.But the art I like is made when the artist actually has gotten out of the way. At some point doing a painting, it literally feels like I'm the one stopping it with my decisions, and my aesthetic--and all that stuff about, 'I'm the artist... posted on Oct 10 2023, 800 reads


Coming to Our (Animal) Senses
"The term 'resource' always befuddles me. If we would simply drop the prefix, 're,' whenever we use the term, it would become apparent that we're almost always talking about 'sources', like springs bubbling up from the unseen depths. But when we put that little prefix in front of the word, and speak of things as 'resources', we transform the enigmatic presence of things into a reserve, a stock of ... posted on Oct 09 2023, 1,071 reads


The Radical Act of Savoring Pleasant Moments
Describing her childhood in wartime Iran, Ari Honorvar says, "We were attacked from the outside and from within. There was an actual war, with daily funerals, random bombings, and missile attacks. We were so on the edge that a door would slam too loudly and someone would have a heart attack.Children started getting gray hair. And then there was a war on Joy that hurt in a different way. Our favori... posted on Oct 08 2023, 3,689 reads


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The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man
Charles Darwin

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